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Promoting Respect for Life

From Conception to Natural Death

Welcome to Hamilton Right to Life!


We are an educational non-political, non-denominational organization. We promote respect for all human life from conception to natural death through education. The pages of our website contain the most up-to-date and accurate information on life issues. Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing us or calling 905-528-3065.


If you are deciding what to do about an unplanned pregnancy, please call 1-800-665-0570 or visit our Pregnancy Support Page.


If you are suffering from the pain of abortion, please call 1-888-385-3850. All calls are confidential.

Mission Statement


Hamilton Right to Life (HRTL) is a not-for-profit organization committed to the principle that God is the author of life and that each human life has intrinsic value and should be revered and protected from conception to natural death. Our mission is to educate and promote these positions with compassion by encouraging people to choose life and affirm the sanctity of all human life.


~ LIFE without abortion or euthanasia ~.

Pregnant? Need Help?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy is not easy. Caring, non-judgmental help is available from various local services.

Suffering and thinking of MAiD?

Call Compassionate Community Care at 1-855-675-8749 for caring support


"Keep being warriors for God! Life is sacred, from the moment of conception, until we take our last breath. I just wish everyone embraced that truth! Prayers are with you all as you continue protecting the most vulnerable of society... God bless you all."


"First and foremost, I make this donation to honour the memory of the daughter I lost to abortion; Maya Rose. Secondly, that no other woman has to endure the agony and trauma of abortion as I have. May God Bless you and your mission."

Mom of Baby Maya Rose

A Conversation with the Pro-Life Doc, Dr. William Lile

New Bylaws Approved Jan 17, 2024

By-laws relating generally to the conduct of the affairs of HAMILTON RIGHT TO LIFE

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